Our annual plan
The work that the trust carries out each year is planned to align with the strategic objectives of the trust. Below are the objectives for 2021
Te Ao Maori
Our reo, tikanga, kawa and whakapapa are known by kaumātua and rangatahi.
There is a plan to succession of history.
Wananga held for reo, tikanga, waiata, kawa, whakapapa as per Te Matawai funded program
Taininihikura documentary (Matariki 2021)
Iwi History Resources catalogued and archive project progressed
Ngāti Tarāwhai pukapuka (Na Raimona Inia) completed and launched (Matariki 2021)
Mapping and transcription of boundaries and Ngāti Tarāwhai korero for Okataina, Haehaenga, Pokohu, Maketu, Paengaroa and Waione. Formatted for Okataina Lake Negotiations
Te Ao Rawa
The Trust and LP work together to ensure the protection and growth of the Asset(s) so they are able to be used to benefit the collective
Monitor Quarterly Reports from the ILP as per the Management Agreement
Monitor and implement SIPO actions, incl Annual Plan and Budget
Tarawera Trail Exploration progressed
LLP for ECE executed (1 July 21)
Tauranganui (Lodge purchase and arts and culture space tono progressed)
Policy suite drafted and accepted by the Iwi Trust
Te Ao Matauranga
To encourage Ngāti Tarāwhai uri to pursue education and to strive to achieve their goals.
Secure future teach NZ grants for Ngāti Tarāwhai Uri
Secure funding to continue Toikuranui Programe
The Puna Reo continues to deliver high quality Ngāti Tarāwhai centred ECE services to Ngāti Tarāwhai tamariki mokopuna
Ngāti Tarāwhai School Holiday Program Delivered annually
Te Aohurihuri
To ensure Ngāti Tarāwhai are best positioned to navigate the changing world.
1. Finalise and launch the reorua iwi website – Content management system in process and funding being sought.
2. Iwi Database/ Iwi Census/survey implemented
Review and implement communications plan with NTIT beneficiaries that enables Ngāti Tarāwhai uri to contribute their voice to Trust business/direction
Te Taiao
To enable Ngāti Tarāwhai uri to exercise mana motuhake of ancestral domains to ensure sustainability of our taonga.
1. Lake Okataina returned to Ngāti Tarāwhai
2. IEMP finalized and ratified by the iwi
3. Lease arrangement for Okataina Lodge secured
4. Annual delivery of the Tou Koura Project incl data analysis and strategy review depending on outcomes
5. Explore accessing Mana o te wai funding (and other funders) to deliver on IEMP actions
6. Develop and implement plan for pest eradication within the rohe according to the IEMP
7. Seek representation on TALT Board
Seek representation on R15 Board