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Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust

He Kupu Whakaatu

He reo atu tēnei ki ngā kārangarangatanga maha puta noa i te Motu, a, whiti atu hoki ki ngā tuawhenua o te āo e noho mai rā te maha o te iwi Māori e taki whai ana i te oranga mō rātau. Hoatu, ahakoa kei hea e noho ana, e pēhea ana rānei tā rātau noho, e kore e warewaretia te hau kāinga, me nga tūpuna nā rātau te mauri o te iwi i pupuri, tae atu hoki ki ngā tikanga e mau nei i a tātau i te rā nei.

Koirā, kia hoki te korero ki te orokotīmatanga o te iwi, āe, ko te tohu tēnei ki a Ngātoro-i-rangi, te tohunga nāna te whenua i takahi, i mau ai te tapu ki runga i te whenua. Heke haere iho ngā whakatupuranga me te mau anō i aua tapu e te mahi a ngā tohunga. Ko Ngāti Tarāwhai kē nā hoki.

Hoki ai te korero ki tō rātau nohanga kāinga i te wā i a rātou, arā, i Okataina. Kātahi ka noho ki Te Koutu, ki Anatūpāpaku, ki Motuwhētero, ki Whakaruamānuka, ki Tahunapō arā, arā atu ō rātau kāinga i reira. Otirā, ko te wāhi ūnga mai o ngā waka, arā, i Tauranganui. He wāhi tēnei o te moana i noho hei tauranga mō ngā waka.

He aha rā, nā te huhua pea o te rākau tōtara i Okataina, ka puta ngā mōhiotanga o ngā toa i reira ki te whakairo rākau. Ahakoa i te tīmatanga, he whakairo waka mō rātau, ā, hei hoko ki ētehi o nga iwi o Te Arawa, ā, i hea noa atu rānei. Kātahi ka mahi i tā rātau mahi. 

Mea rawa ake, nō te taenga mai o te Pākeha ki roto o Te Arawa me ā rātau tikanga mō te hanga whare, ka whai hoki a Ngāti Tarāwhai ki tērā mahi, arā, ki te whakairo whare. Ko tōna mutunga iho, kua marara katoa ā rātau mahi whakairo rākau, kei roto i ngā whare pupuri taonga kei ngā tuawhenua huhua o te Ao.

Kia tau mai te korero ki te rā nei, kua whakaaro nui tātau ngā uri o rātau mā, ki te whai i ngā taonga i whakarere iho e rātou. Ka nui te pai o ngā hapu e taki whaiwhai ana i ngā mahi waiata, ngā mahi ako i te reo Māori, ngā mahi ako hoki i te whakapapa. Ko te wawata i tēnei wā, ko tōna mutunga iho, kua mau katoa i a tātau ngā taonga i whakarere iho e ō tātau tūpuna ki a tātau.

Ka mutu

Te Poroa Malcolm


Our Trust

Ngati Tarāwhai Iwi Trust is a post Treaty settlement entity established to receive, manage and administer the assets and any income received from the Crown in settlement of our Treaty of Waitangi Claims.


NGATI TARĀWHAI IWI TRUST has its purposes identified in the Deed of Trust relating to Ngati Tarawhai Iwi Trust (Oct 2007 and subsequently updated by A deed of consolidation and restatement dated 16 Nov 2020). In summary they are:

 * The promotion and improvement of hauora for all Uri, which includes the spiritual, mental, emotional, cultural, social, and physical wellbeing of each Uri;

*the advancement of educaton and vocational training for all Uri;

*the promotion and advancement of social and economic conditions of all Uri through the relief of economic hardship and deprivation; and

* to promote, provide for, assist in such other purposes beneficial to the Uri as the Representatives may decide from time to time.

Incidental purposes are:

Ø To receive all benefits, moneys or property due, payable or transferable to the Ngati Tarawhai Iwi as an affiliate Iwi member of Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust;

Ø To hold the Trust fund and administer the Trust Fund and the liabilities of the trust as trustee on behalf of the Uri;

Ø to own, provide, or maintain, any facility, property or corporate entity to meet or satisfy any or all of the Objects of the Trust;

Ø manage prudently the affairs, activities, assets and liabilities of the Trust; 

Ø To support and assist, financially or otherwise, the Uri in accordance with the Objects of the Trust as the Representatives may decide from time to time; and


Ø to generally do all such acts, matters and things to enter into and make such arrangements as are incidental to or conducive to the attainment of one or more of the objects of the trust

Ø For assets to undertake Community Development Activities; administer and use community development assets for the benefit of Ngati Tarawhai and to further the purposes of the Trust.

Our elected Trustees are;

Cyrus Hingston- Chairman

Niwa Nuri- Trustee

Mihaere Kirby- Trustee

Tāmara Simpkins - Trustee

Ruakiri Fairhall - Trustee

Our Trustees

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